How to Prepare for Your Child's First Dental Appointment
Posted on 10/25/2015 by Thomas Mahar
Your child's first trip to the dentist is a monumental occasion, and it is one that both you and your child may need to prepare for. Fortunately, there are a variety of steps that you can take to get your family ready for this event.
Start a Conversation Before you go to the dentist for the first time, you should have a conversation with your child about what they can expect so that there are no major surprises. Get some books about going to the dentist and read through them at story time. You can also play "dentist" at home using toothbrushes, rinsing cups, and flashlights and have your child practice on his stuffed animals.
Be a Positive Role Model Ensure that your kids witness you flossing and brushing as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. If you are nervous around the dentist, make sure that you shield your kids from these emotions, as dental anxiety is often passed down from parents to their kids. It may also be helpful for your child to take a trip to the dentist with you first so that he can sit and watch as you have your teeth cleaned.
Avoid Sucking Habits
Certain sucking habits can lead to dental problems, so it is important to try and stop these habits as soon as possible. If your child sucks his thumb or uses a pacifier, take steps to try and discourage this behavior. Otherwise, prepare to talk to your child's dentist about these habits for information on how they could be affecting his teeth.
Look for a Family Friendly Dental Office
Make sure that you choose a dental office that is right for both you and your child. Our office will be able to help focus on the needs of your child, so please contact us today for a dental appointment today!