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What Dental Debridement Does for Your Oral Health

Posted on 3/20/2020 by Thomas Mahar
What Dental Debridement Does for Your Oral HealthMost people understand the importance of good oral care habits and regular cleanings in our office. However, many patients don't know what happens when plaque buildup becomes advanced and requires more than just a routine cleaning to remove it.

Be it that your oral hygiene routine is lacking, or you've missed several cleanings, our office may recommend dental debridement.

Why Debridement?

When plaque buildup turns into tartar and is much more difficult to remove, debridement can provide the extent of cleaning that your teeth need to be easily examined by our staff for signs of oral health problems. Prior to your routine exam, a regular cleaning is typically sufficient for us to examine your teeth and gums for signs of decay or disease, but severe tartar buildup can sometimes require debridement.

The Debridement Process

Our staff will utilize an ultrasonic device to break up calcified tartar (calculus) on your teeth, which clings to the device. Then, fine scaling will remove further debris to make the entire surfaces of your teeth accessible for close examination by our staff. When performed properly, debridement removes dense tartar and plaque that can prevent dental staff from getting a complete view of your dental structure and gumline to check your jawbone and tooth root structure for periodontal disease.


Once your debridement is completed, we will continue your routine exam as usual. Most patients experience only mild tenderness in their gums. If your exam is uncomfortable, however, don't hesitate to ask for some type of assistance with the pain. The most important post-procedure care is to never let the plaque build up to the point of needing debridement again. However, it's a safe and simple procedure that we can perform whenever necessary to get the best view of your teeth and gums during your exam.

For all your dental care needs, contact our office anytime to schedule an appointment.

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Mahar Dental, 135 Sand Rd, North Syracuse, NY 13212; (315) 766-2770;; 9/5/2024; Related Terms: dentist North Syracuse NY;