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Dental Wax Should Always Be Nearby

Posted on 6/10/2019 by Thomas Mahar
Dental Wax Should Always Be NearbyJust as its name implies, dental wax is a type of wax. What many people don't know and are surprised to find out though is that it's made from something natural like beeswax, carnauba, or paraffin so it's edible. Of course, it's not meant to be a food, but it's good to know in case you happen to swallow a small piece of it.

Another thing that may surprise you is that you will probably end up swallowing some of it without even meaning to because over time the saliva in your mouth will cause it to wear off. Now that you know these interesting facts, you'll probably want to know what it's used for and why should you always keep it nearby.

What Dental Wax is Used For

Dental wax is also known as gum wax for a very good reason: It's used to protect your gums and the inner lining of your cheeks and your lips. In doing so it's able to help you feel comfortable whenever a sharp piece of a wire or another type of pointed appliance is protruding from where it should be and make you feel and type of discomfort in any of these areas.

Why Keep Dental Wax Nearby

Whether you're fitted with braces or have another type of orthodontic appliance you're wearing, you should always have dental wax nearby. You never know when something may stick you and cause you to feel some pain. Fortunately, the easiest way to take care of this problem until you can come in for an appointment with our office is by using dental wax. You can also use dental wax to manage a sensitive tooth if the sensitivity is caused by a loose filling or small crack.

If you have any questions about why you need to keep dental wax nearby, call us to get them answered today.

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