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Manage Your Stress As a Way to Combat Bruxism

Posted on 3/20/2019 by Thomas Mahar
Manage Your Stress As a Way to Combat BruxismBruxism is not a term that many people recognize immediately. It is often better known as teeth grinding. While people might not know the word, that does not mean that it is an uncommon problem.

It is said that at least 20 perfect of the population grinds their teeth. It is common in both children and adults. There are two types of bruxism, awake bruxism and sleep bruxism. Stress can be a major contributor to either type.

Managing Stress

Many people grind their teeth when they get stressed without even realizing that they are doing it. Not only is this bad for your teeth, you can also end up with pain in your jaw and possibly even headaches. Stress leads to many health problems, including bruxism, so learning to manage it will help your health overall.

One important step towards managing stress is to learn how to relax. We live in a society where there never seems to be enough hours in the day, and where we always are on the go. Make sure that you take some time for you each and every day. Putting yourself first and relaxing can help your stress level to go down, which could help to end your bruxism problem.

Another factor in managing stress is to take care of yourself physically. Eat a balanced diet. Get some exercise. If you do not think you have the time to exercise find small ways to do it, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise is a great stress reliever.

If you grind your teeth and want to stop, we would love to help. Managing your stress can make a big difference, and there are other things that we can help you with as well. Bruxism is not good for your teeth or your overall health, but it is possible to stop.

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