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How to Sanitize Your Toothbrush

Posted on 11/20/2016 by Thomas Mahar
A woman that has just finished sanitizing her toothbrush.
Have you ever thought about sanitizing your toothbrush? If not, you should seriously consider it. Most toothbrushes that are stored openly in a shared bathroom contain particles of dust and fecal matter.

Instead of putting those particles in your mouth each time you brush, there are ways of keeping your toothbrush clean and sanitary. Here are four of the best ways to keep your toothbrush sanitized and ready for use.

It Only Takes A Few Minutes to Sanitize Your Toothbrush

The easiest way to sanitize your toothbrush regularly is to put it in the dishwasher once or twice a week in the silverware compartment. You can put it in there, forget about it, and have a clean toothbrush next time you brush.

Boiling your toothbrush is another option. Place it into water that is at a hard boil for three minutes and let it cool and dry. It only takes a few minutes, and gives your mouth less exposure to dirt and debris.

Soaking your toothbrush in an antibacterial mouthwash will get the bacteria off of your toothbrush. This can be done daily if that helps you feel better about brushing with your toothbrush.

You can also store your toothbrush after each use in a small cup of hydrogen peroxide. When you take your toothbrush out and use it, pour out the old hydrogen peroxide and put in new.

Sanitizing your toothbrush keeps dirt and dust out of your mouth, but it also helps stop spread germs. If you have been exposed to a virus, then you can do this to minimize the chances of it growing on your toothbrush and coming back into your mouth when you brush next.

If you need more tips on keeping your mouth healthy, contact our office today! They are more than happy to help.

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